MuseScore in 10 Easy Steps: Part 7, 8 and 9

OK, I have a confession to make: I’ve been very slack in keeping my poor blog updated. I have plans for a redesign and a new blogging regime (I think they’ll be part of my New Year resolutions), so stay tuned for that in 2011.  In the meantime, here is a catch-up post about the latest 3 MuseScore videos:

The 7th MuseScore video was uploaded back in mid-August and covered repeats and 1st/2nd time endings (also known as Volta brackets in MuseScore).


Part 8 – all about creating codas – appeared at the same time as part 7:


I’ve had a list of possible video topics for parts 9 and 10, but the most frequently asked question via Youtube is “how do I create drum parts?”, so that became the focus of the ninth video in the series.


I’ll be planning the next video – part 10 – in the next couple of weeks, so keep an eye out for it in the new year.