Music technology training

I run music technology training sessions for teachers, students and members of the wider music community through my business Midnight Music.  I’m based in Melbourne, Australia but I’m happy to travel 🙂

In addition to software training, I offer copying and arranging services and there’s some information here, along with my contact details.

Midnight Music

3 Responses

  1. Hey, I read a lot of blogs on a daily basis and for the most part, people lack substance but, I just wanted to make a quick comment to say GREAT blog!…..I”ll be checking in on a regularly now….Keep up the good work! 🙂

    – Marc Shaw

  2. I would like to say that what I’ve seen so far with this community, I do like. It is relatively easy to understand, and appears to be well thought out and organized. Thank you for this site. Now, my question, and hopefully someone will be able to answer this. I am new to this type of thing. I have been a musician for most of my life, and am now finding I need to score some of my music, however, I’m not well versed with that aspect, yet. I am a guitarist, and violinist, and utilize a Digitech GNX-3 for sound re-enforcement. This unit is midi capable, and I plug in violin or guitar to it, and create my music. Will the MuseScore write the notes on the sheets utilizing that method, or am I limited to using a midi keyboard for transcription? Any help would be greatly appreciated, and I do wish the best for this community. Thank you in advance for any responses. Sincerely, John Wilkins

    • Hello John,

      Musescore will only allow you to transcribe your music using your MIDI keyboard. The latest version of Sibelius (which is not free!) includes “Audioscore” which would transcribe your violin or guitar playing – in theory. The technology is still in its early days and is far from perfect. The best thing would be to brush up your aural skills and use the MIDI keyboard. All the best!

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