MuseScore in 10 Easy Steps: Part 7, 8 and 9

OK, I have a confession to make: I’ve been very slack in keeping my poor blog updated. I have plans for a redesign and a new blogging regime (I think they’ll be part of my New Year resolutions), so stay tuned for that in 2011.  In the meantime, here is a catch-up post about the latest 3 MuseScore videos:

The 7th MuseScore video was uploaded back in mid-August and covered repeats and 1st/2nd time endings (also known as Volta brackets in MuseScore).


Part 8 – all about creating codas – appeared at the same time as part 7:


I’ve had a list of possible video topics for parts 9 and 10, but the most frequently asked question via Youtube is “how do I create drum parts?”, so that became the focus of the ninth video in the series.


I’ll be planning the next video – part 10 – in the next couple of weeks, so keep an eye out for it in the new year.

Musescore in 10 Easy Steps: part 6

Here is the 6th video tutorial in a 10-part series titled MuseScore in 10 Easy Steps.  Part 6 focuses on how to add new instruments to your score, as well as adding articulation and empty bars.  Part 7 on the way soon….


MuseScore in 10 Easy Steps: Part 5

Well, I admit that it’s been a while between MuseScore videos but I’m hoping that I’ll be able to get 2 or 3 done this week (no promises though!).  Anyway, here is tutorial 5 which covers copying and pasting music, adding lyrics and adding dynamics.  Now on to tutorial 6….


MuseScore in 10 easy steps part 4: note entry with a MIDI keyboard

Here’s the fourth installment in the 10-part video tutorial series about free music notation program MuseScore.  This tutorial covers note entry with a MIDI keyboard and looks at the basics of playing back your score.  It took me a little longer than hoped to find time to make this one.  I’m aiming for a quicker turn-around on the next few!


MuseScore in 10 easy steps: part 2

Here is the second tutorial in the Musescore series.  In this video, we take a walk through the Musescore screen.  In case you missed part 1, you can see it here.


The next tutorial in this series is coming soon and will cover the basics of note entry.

Musescore in 10 easy steps: part 1

Happy New Year!  Well, one of my new year’s resolutions is to post more frequently to this blog and I thought I’d start off by sharing a series of tutorial videos about the free notation program MuseScore. MuseScore is a good cost-effective alternative to professional notation programs like Sibelius and Finale and is being adopted by many in the education sector.

This series of 10 short videos will cover the basics of using MuseScore: setting up a score, moving around the screen, note entry and sharing your scores.


If you’re interested in seeing other how-to videos, there are a series of Sibelius videos here.